Apr 14, 2013

The Flim Flam Brothers Are Changelings

Just look at those slimy scumbags...

 Flim and Flam: Two dime-a-dozen scumbag con-ponies or a couple of rouge changelings? 

        The Flim Flam brothers only appearance so far has been in the season 2 episode Super Cider Squeezy 6000. They play the main two antagonists, a couple of seedy con-ponies trying to take over Sweet Apple Acres with their brilliant new machine. A competition is created, a ton is at stake, good triumphs over evil, yada yada yada and they're never seen again. 

Rather striking resemblance, no?
        Now, this really isn't a new theory to a lot of fans. One of the biggest clues--and the most obvious one--is the fact that the color of the brothers' magic is identical to the color of a changeling's magic; the magical color seems to be the only thing that changelings can't replicate or hide. In the later season finale, the queen of the changelings impersonates Princess Cadence, and whenever she preforms magic, she still has the candy apple green instead of Cadence's light blue magic. 

        Coincidence? Probably, but that doesn't stop this reporter. After a bit more digging, I did notice how strange it was that their magical color is such a saturated tone compared to a lot of other unicorns. Twilight, Rarity, Shining Armor, Celestia, DJ-Pon3; no matter who you look at, the color of their magical "aura" all seem to be less intense compared to the Flim Flam brothers'. The only exception that I could find was Trixie when she was under the effects of the Alicorn Amulet (link), suggested that highly saturated color tones for magical auras is linked to an evil presence. So, even assuming that the color similarity between the brothers and changelings is a coincidence, it's not very probable that that magical aura color is likely in an average unicorn. These brothers are definitely up to no magical good...

       So, what do these vile shape-shifters feed on? At first glance at their profession, a couple of slimy con-ponies that steal away family farms, doesn't seem to lend itself to a lot of love to feed off of. Not about to be discouraged, I used my master detective skills to dig a little deeper. What if instead of feeding of the ponies have for them, they feed off ponies' love of cider?

Just look at all that hype!
       It's brilliant! If you haven't seen this episode in awhile, just watch the opening song again (link). By the end, these ponies are obsessed with these guys and their cider, they just can't get enough even before they've seen the brothers do anything. Ever wondered why they had to get the crowd completely hyped before doing the powerful magic to get the machine going? Or that they skip town as soon as nobody likes them anymore instead of challenging the Apples to a rematch, or at least making a better batch of cider? Maybe to save their strength until the next town? All I'm saying is they really worked that crowd.

        There's also the issue of the Flim-Flams' appearance that points right to . Because of the literal rainbow of colors and infinite combinations of colors that ponies can inherit from their parents, siblings can look very different from each other. The Apple family, though the color schemes are all in the same family (eh?), no two of them look close to  the same. Twilight and her brother appear outright unrelated, and even Rarity and Sweetie Belle, though they have the same coats, have different manes, mane styles and eye shapes. On the other hoof, Flim and Flam look nearly identical: same coat color, same manes, same eye shape, same body shape, the list goes on. Seems super cider suspicios so far...

        Why is this? Sure, they could be identical twins, but NO. THEY'RE NOT. Back before they found their pony forms, a pair of changelings ran across one pony to copy, and just had to make due. One of them shaved of their mustache, slicked their hair back, and BAM!, a pair of unicorn brothers, ready to feed off unsuspecting crowds of ponies.

 Further proving the point, these slimy changelings aren't used to referring to each other by name (there is no individuality in a changeling hive after all), and it shows, as they forget each other's names multiple times. If you go back up and listen to the first chorus, it's established that the clean-shaven pony's name is Flim, while Mr. Mustache over there is named Flam. Then, the third time the chorus is sung, the clean-shaven pony's name is now Flam, while Mr. Mustache is Flim. There's even more mix-ups outside of the song as well, downright flip-flopping the Flim Flam name just a few times to many to be an accident. But, playing it safe most of the time, those dirty changelings simply refer to each other as "my brother".  Those dirty insectoids...

Well, what do you guys think? This conspiracy have any merit? Are there any theories that you have that you'd like me to look into? Let me know in the comments, and I hope to see you back here soon for the next Equestrian conspiracy.

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